Totally New... Digital Nomad despite disability

Hey Guys… help/advice needed… I want to live indepedent from my family for the first time in my life. My plan is to travel abroad as a digital nomad. I need resources on travel companions and finding personal care assistants for people with disabilities that want to travel.

Any resources or advice I would be MEGA grateful for. Please share!!!

Hey there! First off, I just want to say—good for you!taking this step toward independence and diving into the digital nomad lifestyle is such a bold and exciting move, kudos!! :raised_hands:

Have you tried apps like Travel Buddy or Tourlina? They’re great for finding people who are looking for travel buddies. Also, Facebook groups for digital nomads can be super helpful (I think Freaking Nomads has one??). You might find someone heading to the same places who’d love to travel together.
Also, websites like sometimes have listings for caregivers in different countries, and AbleFinder is another great resource for connecting with disability support services.

when you’re picking a destination, it helps to check out apps like Wheelmap or AccessibleGO—they’re awesome for finding accessible places to stay and things to do.

It’s so inspiring to see you taking this leap, and honestly, I’m sure you’ll make it work. Wishing you all the best on this new chapter! :muscle::sparkles:

Patricia… thank you so much for taking the time to share these resources and encouragement. I wrote this post over a month ago and you are the first to respond. I am going to look them over and research. A new life awaits!